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Transport and Mobility: Ports, Cities, and Global Supply Chains by James C. Wang download MOBI, PDF, EPUB


Global trends in policy and technology related fields are rapidly reshaping the port industry worldwide. International in scope, this volume applies concepts of strategic management, supply chain management, port and transport economics and economic and t, In this collection of essays, the editors and authors succeeded splendidly at bringing together intermodal transport, logistics and supply chain management, showing how complex and inter-related issues have become in these fields in a global world, wherein port cities are major players. A strong buy for academic readers, but also for the managers in the transport and logistics industries, who will find here a most useful conceptualization of their daily practices.'Professor Jacques J. Charlier, Paris-Sorbonne University, France, and University of Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumGlobal trends in policy and technology related fields are rapidly reshaping the port industry worldwide. International in scope, this volume provides multidisciplinary insights into the role port cities adopt in dealing with global supply chains. Throughout the book, concepts of strategic management, supply chain management, port and transport economics and economic and transport geography are applied to offer an in-depth understanding of the processes underlying global supply chains and associated spatial and functional dynamics in port-cities. The book also discusses policy outcomes and implications relevant to port-cities positioned in different segments of global supply chains.Contents: Introduction, J.J. Wang, D. Olivier, T. Notteboom, B. Slack. Part 1 Conceptualization of Port-Cities and Global Supply Chains: Supply chain and supply chain management: appropriate concepts for maritime studies, V. Carbone and E. Gouvernal; The terminalisation of ports: an academic question?, B. Slack; Re-assessing port-hinterland relationships in the context of global supply chains, T. Notteboom and J-P. Rodrigue; Measures for evaluating integration of ports and terminals in global supply chain systems, P.M. Panayides. Part 2 Shipping Networks and Port Development: Offshore container transhipment terminals: implications for city-ports and global supply chains, A. Baird; Mediterranean ports in the global network: how to make the hub and spoke paradigm sustainable?, E. Musso and F. Parola; Port concentration, shipping line concentration and port hierarchy: the example of the northern European range, A. Frémont and M. Soppé; Factors influencing the landward movement of containers: the cases of Halifax and Vancouver, R.J. McCalla. Part 3 Inserting Port-Cities into Global Supply Chains: Globalization and the port-urban interface: conflicts and opportunities, Y. Hayuth; A metageography of port-city relationships, C. Ducruet; Chinese port-cities in the global supply chains, J.J. Wang and D. Olivier; Seaports and regional economic development, P. De Langen. Part 4 Corporate Perspectives on the Insertion of Ports in Global Supply Chains: The success of Asian container port operators: the role of information technology, D. Olivier and F. Parola; Which link, which chain? Inserting Durban into global automobile supply chains, P.V. Hall and G. Robbins; Sustainable development and corporate strategies of the maritime industry, C. Comptois and B. Slack; Index.About the Author: James Wang is Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Hong Kong, China. Daniel Olivier is a Research Student and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Geography, University of Hong Kong, China. Theo Notteboom is President of ITMMA (Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp) and is also affiliated with the Department of Transport and Regional Economics at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Brian Slack is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Geography Department, Concordia University, Canada.

Transport and Mobility: Ports, Cities, and Global Supply Chains download EPUB, DOC, TXT

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