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Mathematics for Social Sciences read book TXT, MOBI


Essential Mathematics for the Social Sciences is designed for first-year graduate students in quantitative social science programs who may not have taken a math course since high school, and lack confidence in their math abilities. It aims to break students' reliance on using basic models in statistical software, and helps give them confidence to adapt models to their theories, to identify and address errors, and to truly understand how the software produces results. This book teaches the essential mathematical ideas that underlie important quantitative methods in the social sciences, with a particular emphasis on linear regression, advanced probability models, formal theory, and computer simulation. Jonathan Kropko works through applied problems, showing students how to solve them. Students who work their way through this text will acquire the confidence to genuinely engage with the topics in advanced quantitative methodology, instead of defaulting to learning a computer program., The text builds students' confidence by presenting material in a conversational tone and using a wealth of clear and applied examples. Author Jonathan Kropko argues that mastering these concepts will break students' reliance on using basic models in statistical software, allowing them to engage with research data beyond simple software calculations., Written for social science students who will be working with or conducting research, Mathematics for Social Scientists offers a non-intimidating approach to learning or reviewing math skills essential in quantitative research methods. The text is designed to build students' confidence by presenting material in a conversational tone and using a wealth of clear and applied examples. Author Jonathan Kropko argues that mastering these concepts will break students' reliance on using basic models in statistical software, allowing them to engage with research data beyond simple software calculations.

Mathematics for Social Sciences read online book TXT, DJV, MOBI

It was a time of unregulated madness.This book offers an array of simple techniques to identify difficult situation, redirect conflict to be productive, evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and cultivate a collaborative mindset.Jarvis contend that a capacity for pure rational thought is fundamental to mental content itself and underwrites our quotidian reasoning and extraordinary philosophical engagement alike.Wouldn't an educational system that focuses on how to have such debates in civil and mutually respectful ways improve our public culture and help us overcome the political impasses that plague us today?Izbicki's chapter examines documentary evidence for the choice of white linen for the altar and the responsibilities of a priest for keeping it clean and in good repair., The studies collected here range through art, artifacts, documentary text, and poetry, addressing both real and symbolic functions of dress and textiles.Accompanied by beautiful photographs taken by Jonathan Buckley throughout the five years in which the garden has been made, "My Secret Garden" allows us access to all of the successes and failures of this diverse and ambitious project.This second edition includes brand new material in a range of areas and numerous additional features, including: * Historiographical updates throughout to take account of recently published work in the field * Detailed material on archaeological developments relating to Byzantine Constantinople * Extra chapters on the 14th century and social 'outsiders' in the city * More material on: the city as a centre of learning; the development of Galata/Pera; charitable hospitals; religious processions and festivals; the lives of ordinary people (jobs, diet, housing, daily life) and the Crusades * Source translation textboxes, new maps and images, a timeline and a list of emperors It is an important volume for anyone wanting to know more about the history of the Byzantine Empire.In this succinct text, Jonathan Michaels examines the rise of anti-Communist sentiment in the postwar United States, exploring the factors that facilitated McCarthyism and assessing the long-term effects on U.S.It reprints, on facing pages, the version of The Prelude was was completed in 1805, together with the much-revised work published after the poet's death in 1850.