Springer Finance: Mathematical Finance - Bachelier Congress 2000 (2001, Hardcover) read online book TXT, DJV


The Bachelier Society for Mathematical Finance held its first World Congress in Paris last year, and coincided with the centenary of Louis Bacheliers thesis defence. In his thesis Bachelier introduces Brownian motion as a tool for the analysis of financial markets as well as the exact definition of options. The thesis is viewed by many the key event that marked the emergence of mathematical finance as a scientific discipline. The prestigious list of plenary speakers in Paris included two Nobel laureates, Paul Samuelson and Robert Merton, and the mathematicians Henry McKean and S.R.S. Varadhan. Over 130 further selected talks were given in three parallel sessions. ., The Bachelier Society for Mathematical Finance, founded in 1996, held its 1st World Congress in Paris on June 28 to July 1, 2000, thus coinciding in time with the centenary of the thesis defence of Louis Bachelier. In his thesis Bachelier introduced Brownian motion as a tool for the analysis of financial markets as well as the exact definition of options, and this is widely considered the keystone for the emergence of mathematical finance as a scientific discipline. The prestigious list of plenary speakers in Paris included 2 Nobel laureates, Paul Samuelson and Robert Merton. Over 130 further selected talks were given in 3 parallel sessions, all well attended by the over 500 participants who registered from all continents.

Springer Finance: Mathematical Finance - Bachelier Congress 2000 (2001, Hardcover) PDF read ebook

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